Marco Paternò Castello
Marco is the Managing Director and Member of Board of Luxembourg Fund Services S.A. since December 2021. Furthermore, Marco is Managing Director of CFE Finance Group’s Luxemburg office and head of the Corporate Advisory services. Before joining CFE Finance, he worked for 15 years at UBI Banca in Luxembourg, serving in the Corporate Banking Department […]
Massimo Longoni
In 1995, Massimo Longoni began his professional career in Finmeccanica Group.Few years after he joined the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank in Paris, where he covered several positions, up to vice-president.In 2002, he co-founded the Electa Group, and he is now CEO and managing partner of GE Lux S.A., an independent advisory firm. In 2011, he also […]
Marcel Stephany
Marcel Stephany is a former member of the Luxembourg Chartered Accountants Institute (“Ordre des Experts Comptables Luxembourgeois”) and a former member of the Luxembourg Independent Auditors’ Institute (“Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises luxembourgeois”). Before establishing as a chartered accountant, he was a General Manager for Banque Ferrier Lullin (Luxembourg) S.A. and Head of Tax division at […]
Massimo Amato
Massimo Amato has been a consultant at McKinsey & Co., and subsequently a professional banker for more than 30 years, operating in corporate, investment, and private banking.He has acted as CEO for IMI Bank and UBI Banca International S.A. in Luxembourg. Massimo has given lectures on Governance and Ethics in Luxembourg University master program in […]